Importance of Proper noun

Some destination names have ‘Brand’. A good example is ‘Paris’. When Japanese hear ‘Paris’ or ‘France’, we usually have very positive, fashionaable, popular, luxury and cool images. It doesn’t matter if it were true. (I don’t say it’s not true as I love Paris, too!) Another good example is a beef name. Each beaf has a brand. As you may know, Kobe beef has a big and high reputation not only in Japan but also outside of Japan. Where do you come from? That’s very important of your products what types of images Japanese will have when you launch your products. Based on my experiences, brand name had a big

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Is Japanese market too difficult to enter?

If you’ve seen the article, you might be afraid of coming to Japanese market. Tech Asia: Why Y Combinator startup Strikingly skipped China, Japan and headed for Southeast Asia Even Y Combinator avoid to coming to those markets? Don’t worry about it! Simply those markets require “local people”. That’s the main and simple reason. It’s hard to try only by non-Chinese and non-Japanese because they’re too unique. I’ve seen many US and European companies came to Japan and left. Most of the case, they did not change their way to enter the new markets. Again, they’re very unique markets. To get appropriate customers and attention from local people, Ask local

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