Not only PPC and SEO
I met some companies/clients who wanted me to do only ‘SEO’ or ‘PPC’. I’ve thought that most of companies have already understood that you would need comprehensive marketing, but there are some people SEO is the best/only way to get market share on the internet. It does not apply to all products and companies, to be honest.
For my past 9+ years SEM career, I worked as a ‘SEM consultant or manager’ who were responsible only for SEM. On the other hand, I always tried to communicate with other marketing divisions although it was not my KPI.
We cannot increase our sales, retain your customer and expand your company only by SEM. SEM is the most effective marketing way to get customers online, but just SEM is not enough to increase your sales.
I was asked by some companies ‘Do you have suggestions to make this project run successfully?’. I confidently answer the question to ‘Team collaboration’ in a company. Some people may think I don’t answer the question adequately , but it’s not. I want to emphasize that you don’t solve a problem just fixing one area. It means that if I did a great job only on SEM, the overall sales of the company would not increase for a long term. There are Sales, IT, Product, Marketing and Operation team in the company. Mutual understanding and collaboration is the best way to grow your company/product.
I achieve an outcome what my client want to see. In addition to that, I’d like to bring more sales and potential customers to your company. Hence I ask you to share much information and collaborate with other teams in your company.